ICC 2015 Pre-Conference Workshop

The Commission on Map Design has joined with the Commissions on Cognitive Visualization, Geovisialization, and Use and User Issues for a pre-conference workshop ahead of the International Cartographic Conference in Rio, August 2015. This will take place on August 21, 2015 at the Paraná Federal University (UFPR) in Curitiba, Brazil.

“The leadership of the ICA commissions believes that it is time to consider the cartographic research landscape as a whole, along with its relationships to cognate fields (e.g., computer science, information visualization, user experience research, cognitive science & psychology), in order to identify areas of research that could benefit from our collective efforts. The workshop will take the first step towards producing a research agenda that reflects current challenges and to define how, as a group, we could tackle them.”

Please see the full announcement on the workshop web page and consider getting involved to establish a platform for defining and addressing ‘big problems’ in cartography.

Zen and the art of cartography

Here’s a copy of the talk I recently gave at the BCS conference in the UK (June 2012) and Geocart in New Zealand (August 2012) that explored design in cartography.  It focuses on the juxtaposition of art and science and the white elephant of technology that means cartography is in a constant state of reinvention.  Click through to view on slideshare where I’ve fleshed out some bottom notes.


Map Design Sessions at AAG 2012

The ICA Commission on Map Design will hold two sessions at the AAG in New York (February 24–28) in conjunction with the ICA Commission on Cognitive Issues in Visualization. These sessions provide an opportunity for participants and attendees to explore emerging issues in map design and begin to shape an agenda for the work of the Commission for the next four years. We very much encourage participation and emphasize the inclusivity of our approach to map design from traditional techniques to neo-cartography and beyond.

Papers will explore emerging cartographic design issues, the impact of the online and mobile revolution on cartography, geovisualization; infographics design; use of GIS as a cartographic design tool and new or reasserted methods to effectively visualize spatial information in map displays.