In 2014 we will be publishing a short daily blog post titled ‘MapCarte’ to showcase examples of map design that we feel represent some of the very best in classic and contemporary cartography. The intent is to build a repository of 365 maps that cover the breadth of cartographic practice to illustrate and emphasize the importance of map design. We believe there is no other similar repository.
By the end of the year we will have created a compendium that can act as a reference for high quality map design. Some of the maps you’ll have seen before…some possibly not. We’ll include both traditional print cartography and the very best that the internet has to offer. Each map will be illustrated and accompanied by a brief comment or two on why we feel the map exhibits great design.
Hopefully the maps we’ll showcase will provide a barometer for modern map making, inspiration for those who seek ideas for how to map their data and also to improve the public’s appreciation of and demand for quality in maps.
Great idea Ken. I will encourage my students to look at it regularly. I may even try and set up something to get them to do a weekly review
Best wishes for the New Year
Excellent! Wish to see it as soon as possible. Could this blog pay more attention to oriental map works like Chinese or Japanese examples?
Great! Like an Advent calendar that works the whole year! So I am especially curious what will happen on the last day …